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Presentazione delle proposte

From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page Submissions and the translation is 24% complete.

Wikimania 2017 a Montreal sarà la tredicesima conferenza internazionale, nata per offrire un'occasione unica alla comunità di Wikimedia e ai nostri progetti di incontrarsi, condividere obiettivi comuni, sviluppare migliori modalità di collaborazione a livello internazionale.

Sia che tu sia membro di una comunità dei progetti Wikimedia (come Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikidata, Wikisource, Wikinotizie, Wikimedia Commons, Wikizionario, Wikivoyage, Wikiversità, MediaWiki o altri), o che tu sia un collega creatore di contenuti aperti o che tu ne sia un consumatore, ti invitiamo a presentare una proposta di sessione per Wikimania 2017.

Wikimania Consisterà di una preconferenza il 9-10 di agosto, la quale includerà un hackathon tecnico e altre workshop ed eventi comunitari. La conferenza principale si terrà dall'11 al 13 agosto e consisterà di parecchi filoni in contemporanea, comprendenti workshop, presentazioni, tavole rotonde, oratori invitati e una unconference. Questa è una convocazione di presentazioni per la conferenza principale; l'hackathon e altri eventi saranno organizzati separatamente.

Se desideri proporre un oratore (incluso te stesso) per la Presentazione Principale e "Invited tracks", puoi farlo contattando il personale o la Commissione di Programma. Terremo in particolare considerazione amici o leader del movimento per la Libera Conoscenza che possano presentare una nuova prospettiva sui nostri progetti e le loro comunità.


Le presentazioni di Wikimania riguardano argomenti connessi al lavoro dei Wikimediani e ai progetti Wikimedia, inclusa la tecnologia e l'infrastruttura, la pubblicizzazione e l'educazione, aspetti legali e sociali, comunità di progetto e sviluppo delle comunità, e contenuti di progetto. Le candidature possono riguardare progetti e iniziative in corso o nuove, progetti correlati fuori da Wikimedia, e ricerche connesse ai progetti Wikimedia. Presentazioni, workshop e discussioni possono essere indirizzate a qualunque uditorio, siano essi contributori esperti Wikimedia, contributori Wikimedia principianti o contributori Wikimedia che vogliano apprendere nuove competenze o cominciare a lavorare in una nuova area.

Ci sono particolarmente benvenuti nuovi presentatori per Wikimania, presentazioni riguardanti problemi di attuale interesse per la comunità Wikimedia, rapporti dai progetti fratelli Wikimedia e discussioni sull'operato attuale e sul futuro di tali progetti, e tavole rotonde/conversazioni di appassionati per discutere e risolvere problemi relativi ai progetti e alla comunità Wikimedia.

Si tratterà di una conferenza bilingue, e presentazioni sia in francese che in inglese saranno benvenute. Per aiutare la revisione, se possibile è gradita, ma non obbligatoria, l'inclusione di un abstract in inglese per le candidature in francese e viceversa.

In tutte le presentazioni e discussioni è incoraggiata la massima interattività per facilitare l'apprendimento e la condivisione tra i partecipanti.

Modalità di presentazione della candidatura

There will be several formats, including lectures, panel presentations, roundtable discussions, and workshops focused on skill development. There will also be sessions of lightning talks, posters and birds of a feather sessions. We are also open to new and original program format ideas, including combinations of types, art installations, photohunts, and so on; please contact the program committee with any questions.

  • Lectures: where one or two presenters offer a presentation in front of an audience. Lectures are generally intended to be 25 minutes long, but a limited number of 55-minute slots may be made available. A projection screen will be provided for the display of slides or video material; please specify if you have additional needs.
  • Panels: 3-6 presenters share a 55 minute presentation slot to discuss a topic. A projection screen will be provided for the display of slides or video material; please specify if you have additional needs.
  • Roundtables: a forum to discuss an issue in participation with the audience, in which presenters are expected to lead and moderate the discussion over a 55 minute session. Spaces for roundtables are more intimate, with a layout to favor discussion, and are only provided with projectors if requested.
  • Workshops and tutorials: these are presentations with a focus on practical work directed either to acquiring a specific skill or doing a specific task. Sessions are 55 minutes led by the presenters in a classroom space suitable for laptops and work.
  • Lightning talks: these are brief (5-minute) presentations, shown together during one of the three themed sessions in the primary theatre during the conference. One session will be dedicated to each of: technical topics, community topics, or project-related topics. Submissions should include the name and affiliation of the presenter, and the topic of the presentation.
  • Posters: During the conference, accepted on-topic posters (A2 or A1 format) will be displayed prominently in the lounge and foyer areas. Use this opportunity to give news, set out an idea, propose a concept, or explain a problem. The submitter will be expected to be available at their poster for at least one of two hour-long periods to greet attendees and answer questions, and the poster itself must be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons with a suitable licence. Submissions should include the name and affiliation of the presenter and a brief abstract of the poster topic.
  • Birds of a feather sessions: Meeting areas will be made available for BoF sessions during the conference. Attendees who submit a topic of discussion are expected to attend and moderate the session, and to report on the discussion after it has concluded. BoF meetings are expected to be 50 minutes long, although a limited number of 80-minute slots may be made available. This will be a chance for people interested in a similar topic to have a less formal gathering or discussion session. Proposals for Birds of a Feather session will be accepted until May 29, 2017; any remaining slots will be made available for discussions organized at the conference.
  • Original program format ideas: such as installations, and so on;

Proposals for presentations, (lectures, workshops, roundtables and tutorials) will be accepted until April 10, 2017 May 1, 2017.

Proposals for Lightning talks, posters and birds of a feather will be accepted until May 15, 2017 June 10, 2017.

How to submit

All submissions should include:

  • The name and affiliation of the presenter or moderator
  • The title of the presentation or poster
  • An abstract describing the topic of the presentation and what attendees can expect to take away from the session.
  • A description of what attendees can expect to take away from the session.

In addition:

  • For presentations, panels and discussions, please state the expected or intended audience of the session (new contributors, experienced contributors, or all).
  • Roundtable and birds of a feather discussion should indicate what the outcome of the discussion is hoped to be.
  • Panel presentations should include the name of the presenters, if confirmed, and a brief synopsis of what each presenter will contribute.
  • Workshop submissions should include the level of the workshop (beginning, intermediate, experienced), what attendees should do to prepare for the workshop, and a description of the workshop presenter's experience.

To submit, please fill out the form below, under Submissions.

Questions? Please contact the Programme Committee at wikimania-program@wikimedia.org

Acceptance and important dates

If your paper is accepted and you need an invitation letter to apply for a visa to attend the conference, please contact us as soon as possible. (Visa applications can take at least 60 working days to process.) Please identify yourself as a presenter and include your mailing address in your email. Presenters for lightning talks, posters, and birds of a feather sessions will be notified of acceptance by mid-June. By submitting a paper, you agree that at least one of the authors will attend the conference to present it. If the conference registration fee will pose a hardship for the presenter of the accepted paper, please contact. A limited number of stipends will be available for accepted speakers who need assistance with travel and accommodation. Complete program and registration information will be available in May 2017 on the conference website.

  • Call for proposals opens: February 2, 2017 Done
  • Deadline for submitting presentation (lecture, panel, roundtable and workshop) submissions: April 10, 2017 Done
  • Deadline for submitting lightning talks, poster, and birds of a feather submissions: June 10, 2017 (extended)
  • Notification of acceptance for presentations: May 1, 2017: we are behind in this due to the volume of submissions received.
  • Notification of acceptance for lightning talks, poster and birds of a feather submissions: June 24, 2017 (extended)

Your proposal will be discussed and rated in public by the program committee, and you will be notified through the contact information you supply of the committee's decision. There is limited room in the schedule available for presentations, panels and workshops, and Wikimania submission is competitive. If your submission is not accepted, please do not be discouraged: Wikimania 2017 will have time set aside in the schedule for participants and attendees to participate in unofficial, self-organized talks and working groups. You will have many opportunities to bring topics forward on-site, as well as socializing and sharing ideas casually. Presenters that are not accepted are also welcome to submit lightning talks and posters, which will be considered as space permits. If there are multiple similar submissions on the same topic, the program committee may suggest combining these submissions.


By submitting a proposal, you must agree that:

  • your proposal's abstract and any slides associated with it will be released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Licence 3.0; and
  • if accepted, the session will be broadcast and/or recorded and made available in audio and/or visual form under said licence.

If you object to these requirements (for instance, if you would prefer not to be filmed), please talk to a Programme Committee member before submitting a proposal.

Note: You need to login (or create an account here) in order to submit a proposal.

For a list of currently submitted submissions, see Wikimania 2017 submissions.