
Wikimania Hackathon 2017 will take place on Wednesday, 9 August 2017 and Thursday, 10 August 2017 during the Wikimania 2017 pre-conference in Montreal.
Youtube Live video of the opening session and open mic
Developers, designers, translators, documentors, testers and anyone interested in collaborating on a technical hacking project are welcome at the Hackathon.
Friendly Space Policy and Code of Conduct
All participants in the Hackathon are expected to respect and abide by the Wikimania Friendly Space Policy and the Code of Conduct for technical spaces. Individuals not cooperating with these policies may be asked to leave the event.
People you can talk to about Friendly Space Policy and Code of Conduct for Technical Spaces issues:
Rachel Farrand
Caroline Becker
Nick Wilson
Quim Gil

See Registration and register for Pre-Conference Day 1 and Pre-Conference Day 2.
Focus Areas
Between now and the hackathon, all participants are welcome to propose sessions, skillshare, & sprints and get involved in projects by featuring or start hacking on one!
- Session covering any of the Wikimedia’s technical areas
- Skillshare on topics around technology stack of Wikimedia projects
- Sprint for making progress in a specific area of a project (e.g. documentation, translation, design, etc)
- Featured Projects suitable for new developers proposed by project contributors
If you have your own ideas for a large-scale sprint, track or other project for the Wikimania hackathon and would like some help in advance coordinating please email Rachel Farrand <rfarrandwikimedia.org> so we can work out the specifics.
Program and Schedule Information
New sessions are added to the hackathon throughout the event by participants, therefore we do not print the program on paper. You will need a laptop or mobile device connected to wifi or data in order to access the program. There will be a physical up-to-date program at the help desk as well.
Schedule your own sessions or check out our program here:
Mentoring Program
Sign up to mentor by subscribing and commenting at phab:T168756.
Read more about the mentoring program at: mw:Hackathon/Handbook/Mentoring program#An overview of the mentoring program plan for Wikimania Hackathon 2017 in Montreal
Volunteering at the Hackathon
The Wikimania Hackathon is an event run for and by its participants. Everyone attending the hackathon can take as much personal responsibility to co-create the event and improve it as they like. Below are some pre-defined volunteer groups that any participant can join and help.
- Help work with or teach newcomers / Mentors!
- Group leader: Aaron Halfaker <ahalfaker
- phab:T168756
- Take photos during the Hackathon and upload them to commons
- Group Leader: Chris Koerner <ckoerner
- phab:T168752
- Write a blog post or two about the event itself and / or my favorite sessions
- Group Leader: Srishti Sethi <ssethi
- phab:T168753
- Occasionally wander around the hackathon, ask people what they are working on, add the projects to the wiki
- Group Leader: Nick Wilson <quiddity
- phab:T168754
- Staff the help desk helping newcomers answer technical questions and find other participants
- Group Leader: Rachel Farrand <rfarrand
- phab:T168751
- Run newcomer session / tutorials
- Group Leader: Quim Gil <qgil
- phab:T168755
Please take a moment to update your own information at the Hackathon/Participants page.
- Event Blogging
Hackathon Showcase
The hackathon showcase will be taking place from 16:00 - 17:00 in the main ballroom. 30 hackathon participants will present their hackathon projects to all Wikimania participants. Presentations should be concise and understandable by non-technical Wikimania participants. SIGN UP HERE: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Wikimania_hackathon_showcase_2017
Recommended Items to Bring
- Laptop and charger, it will be very hard to participate without these!
- Power plug converters
- Phone charger
- Preferred note taking tools
- Reusable water bottle (there are ways to refill these)
- Video output converters for possible presentations
- (For chargers, converters etc, consider labelling them with your name/email address)
- Commons Category: Category:Wikimania 2017 Hackathon
- IRC channel: #wmhack (connect)
- Hashtag: #wmhack
Organizing Team
- Rachel Farrand, Main Organizer <rfarrand
- Siebrand Mazeland, Co-Organizer <siebrand