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From Wikimania
This page is a translated version of the page Volunteers and the translation is 42% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

If you are interested in other volunteering opportunities, Wikimania Montreal would love to hear from you! More than a thousand aficionados and knowledge experts from around the world will converge to discuss the future of Wikimedia projects, open and free knowledge, education, discuss issues, report on new projects and approaches, and exchange ideas.

In order to be able to hold such a meeting, a team of volunteers is essential, and this is an opportunity for you to be part of this extraordinary event. Registration for the conference is free of charge for volunteers.


Tell us your interest in volunteering



  • 回馈维基百科和姊妹项目 - 我们每天都使用它们,但我们忘记他们是由志愿者使用空闲时间无偿编写的;
  • 成为参加全球年会的一员;
  • 在你的简历上放置一些独特的东西;
  • 向社群学习;
  • 享受下班时的会议;
  • 与其他志愿者交流;
  • 使用你的技能来帮助非营利的维基媒体运动,例如:
  • 社交媒体与拓展
  • 新闻和文案能力
  • 舞台,视听和出品管理
  • 活动组织和项目管理
  • 领导能力和问题解决
  • 好客度与顾客服务
  • 语言能力


We will need people to help with:

  • Doing outreach and promotion for the conference
  • Assisting with monitoring conference sessions on site
  • Staffing the registration and help desks
  • Assisting attendees, making sure they can find their way around the Venue, and to other important locations such as hotels and public transport
  • Helping with move-in and breakdown of the conference

and other tasks. We will also need volunteers who are on-hand to run errands or fill in gaps as required to make sure we have the flexibility to cover any gaps.

Being a Wikimedian may be useful in some roles, but is not a prerequisite to volunteering at Wikimania. Attendees of Wikimania from outside Canada are very welcome to volunteer (language skills would be especially useful), but, as a volunteer-run conference, we do not have the resources to assist with the logistics or cost of international travel.



  • 去哪里申请?我们将为参会者提供志愿者申请表(大约在2017年3月)。 我们在准备期只需要较少的志愿者,但如果您觉得您特别适合组织和准备年会,请联系年会组织者!
  • 我需要说什么语言?由于年会的国际性质,志愿者预计应该至少会说英语。 因为在加拿大,有些当地与会者也可能说法语,而除了英语法语,对于帮助国际与会者相应的母语志愿者会特别有用。
  • How long do I have to volunteer to get a free ticket to Wikimania? At least one eight hour shift, but if you can do more that is excellent.
  • Will I have to buy my own food? Volunteers will have access to refreshments and lunch at the conference.
  • Will you pay for my accommodation if I am not from Montreal? No.
  • 如果我不在加拿大,我也可以成为志愿者吗?路费如何报销?您仍然可以在国外志愿。例如,您可以通过查看即时消息来帮助我们写出会话报告。但很遗憾,我们无法为志愿者提供住宿或旅行方面的费用报销。
  • Can I still attend sessions if I am volunteering? If you let us know in advance which sessions you are most interested in attending, we will do our best to be flexible.
  • How are the shifts divided in one day? These will be worked out as we get closer to the event.
Wikimania Mexico documentary


If you are interested in volunteering, please Email: Antoine Beaubien.

For other people on the team, go to the contact page.