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Submissions/Creating a local digital community. Prototyping a collaborative workshop in libraries

From Wikimania

This is an accepted submission for Wikimania 2017.

Submission no. 1001 Subject - FG
Title of the submission

Creating a local digital community. Prototyping a collaborative workshop in libraries / Création d'une communauté numérique locale. Prototypage d'un atelier contributif en bibliothèque

Type of submission (lecture, panel, tutorial/workshop, roundtable discussion, lightning talk, poster, birds of a feather discussion)
Author of the submission
Marie D Martel, François Charbonnier
Language of presentation
E-mail address
mariedmartel@gmail.com, francharb@gmail.com

Marie D Martel, Francharb

Country of origin
Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc.)
Café des savoirs libres
Personal homepage or blog
Abstract (up to 300 words to describe your proposal)

English :

The Café des savoirs libres (Open Knowledge Café) is an informal collective of enthusiasts who initiate and carry projects related to the knowledge commons. For several years, the collective has been constantly changing. From the organization of bookcamps to the Quebec edition of the advent calendar of the public domain, to the Labo public du livre (The Book Public Labs), the Café des savoirs libre is redefining itself continuously according to the context in which it intervenes. However, one element is central to its evolution. All of its activities revolve around the commons and seek to create a local digital community within a global digital community.

The commons make it possible to focus on the idea of ​​a community that manages its own resources, cultural or other. Among its latest activities, the Café des savoirs libre has partnered with the Montréal's network of public libraries to create digital communities in each neighborhood. For this project, the Café found natural partners in Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap.

The objective of this presentation is to give an account of this partnership : Café des savoirs libres / Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap / Montréal's network of public libraries. Using our notebooks, we will go back to the origins of these workshops, report on the prototyping process and show how libraries are the perfect partners for these workshops.

The presentation is intended for enthusiasts who wish to set up workshops in libraries as well as librarians who would like to host this type of activity.

Français :

Le café des savoirs libres est un collectif informel de passionné.e.s qui initient et portent des projets autour des communs de la connaissance. Depuis plusieurs années, le collectif est en constante mutation. De l'organisation de bookcamps à l'édition québécoise du calendrier de l'avent du domaine public, en passant par les labos public du livre, le café des savoirs libres se redéfinit en permanence selon le contexte dans lequel il intervient. Toutefois, un élément est central dans son évolution. Toutes ses activités tournent autours des communs et cherchent à créer une communauté numérique locale au sein d'une communauté numérique globale.

Les communs permettent de mettre au centre de nos préoccupations l'idée d'une communauté qui gèrent elle-même ses ressources, quelles soient culturelles ou autres. Parmi ses dernières activités, le café des savoirs libre s'est associé au réseau des bibliothèques de la ville de Montréal pour créer des communautés numériques localisées dans chaque quartiers. Pour ce projet, elle a trouvé en Wikipédia et OpenStreetMap des partenaires naturelles.

L'objectif de cette présentation est de faire le récit de cette rencontre : Café des savoirs libres / Wikipédia et OpenStreetMap / Bibliothèque de la ville de Montréal. Nous partirons de nos carnets de notes pour remonter aux origines de ces ateliers, rendre compte du processus de prototypage et montrer comment les bibliothèques sont les partenaires idéals de ces ateliers.

La présentation s'adresse aussi bien aux passionnés qui souhaiteraient mettre en place des ateliers en bibliothèque qu'aux bibliothécaires qui souhaiteraient accueillir ce type d'activité.

What will attendees take away from this session? The presentation is intended for enthusiasts who wish to set up workshops in libraries as well as librarians who would like to host this type of activity.
Theme of presentation
  • GLAM
  • Community
  • Commons
For workshops and discussions, what level is the intended audience?
Length of session (if other than 25 minutes, specify how long)
25 minutes
Will you attend Wikimania if your submission is not accepted?
Slides or further information (optional)
Video of the presentation.

Special requests
Is this Submission a Draft or Final?

This is a Completed submission for Wikimania 2017 ready to be reviewed by a member of the Programme Committee.

Interested attendees

If you are interested in attending this session, please sign with your username below. This will help reviewers to decide which sessions are of high interest. Sign with a hash and four tildes. (# ~~~~).

  1. Daniel Mietchen (talk) 14:29, 28 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Amir É. Aharoni (talk) 14:49, 8 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Simon Villeneuve (talk) 14:38, 10 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Tmainvi (talk) 12:09, 11 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]