Warum Du ein Teil von Wikimania sein möchtest
Questions? Contact Ellie Young, Events Manager, Wikimedia Foundation
Contribution Levels
- Presenter $100.000
- Put your brand front and center by being the exclusive presenter of the 2017 edition of Wikimania alongside the Wikimedia Foundation.
Our presenter will also receive:
- A large banner in the main conference foyer;
- 5 VIP tickets and full conference passes;
- Full-page ad in the program;
- Exhibit table for the duration of Wikimania;
- Name & logo prominent on conference website and slideshow prior to the start of plenary sessions, and during press events;
- Promotional items in attendee bag;
- An invitation to participate during press events;
- Access to VIP events (TBD);
- The opportunity for your representative to make an address during the conference opening ceremony.
- Additional benefits (TBD).
- Partner $50.000
- Our three conference Partners are the stars of the opening night reception, the closing party, and the pre-conference.
Our partners also receive:
- A large banner and acknowledgment during the sponsored event;
- 5 VIP tickets and full conference passes;
- Full-page ad in the program;
- Name & logo prominent on conference website and slideshow prior to the start of plenary sessions, and during press events;
- Promotional items in attendee bag;
- Access to VIP events (TBD);
- The opportunity for your representative to make an address during the sponsored event.
- Additional benefits (TBD)
- Collaborator $25.000
- Make a memorable impression by being one of our five collaborators.
Our collaborators receive:
- A banner and acknowledgement during one of the event's five lunches;
- 4 VIP tickets and full conference passes;
- A half-page ad in the program;
- Access to VIP events (TBD);
- Name & logo prominent on conference website and slideshow prior to the start of plenary sessions.
- Additional benefits (TBD)
- Patron $10.000
- Get excellent visibility during the event by being one of our patrons.
Unseren Sponsoren wird angeboten:
- Zwei VIP-Tickets und vollständige Konferenzpässe;
- Bestätigung auf der Diashow vor dem Beginn der Plenarsitzungen;
- Eine viertelseitige Anzeige im Programm;
- Zugang zu VIP-Events (TBD)
- Name und Logo auf der Konferenzwebsite;
- Zusätzliche Vorteile (TBD)
- Sponsor $5.000
- Sponsoren sind ein wichtiger Teil des Erfolgs von Wikimania.
Die Teilnehmer der Konferenz erhalten:
- Zwei VIP-Tickets und vollständige Konferenzpässe;
- Zugang zu VIP-Events (TBD)
- Name und Logo auf der Website der Konferenz.
- Zusätzliche Vorteile (TBD)
- Supporter $2.500
- Supporter-level sponsorship is a great way for individuals and small businesses from around the world to show their support for Wikimania.
Our supporters receive:
- Two full conference passes;
- Acknowledgement in the program and on the conference website.
- Access to VIP events (TBD)
- Additional benefits (TBD)